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Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Next Gadget you want to buy

This video(long) gives introduction to Nokia Morph concept, which is a next generation gadget.This concept was designed by Nokia Research Center in collaboration with Cambridge Nanoscience Center(UK). See the video

Know more about this concept at the short video at

Monday, March 17, 2008

One link to access All

"Is it possible?", the one question gets into our minds.You have seen shortening the long links in the previous post.It will be helpful when you are sharing only one link, but what about multiple number of links.Even shortening all the links one by one is not a good idea.The solution for this problem is, merging all the links to one link.Then it is easy to share.
To do this, is one solution.Let see how it works:

  • Just copy all the links to linkbunch, the you will be given one link.
  • Share that link with your friends over IM,email and SMS.
  • When they clicks on the link,it will display a page with links actually you want to share.
No registration is required.Not only merging the links, it will cut down the long links to shorter(you can try with only one link).It comes as firefox extension also(very nice thing of it).But the disadvantage is it will not check the links provided by you are valid or not.

Another solution is voolia with other feature than linkbunch.Here you can retrieve your murl(one link to access multiple links), if you forget it.For that you have to provide your mail address for retrieving the link back. You can put this murl on your twitter page directly from voolia. In this there is no link verification before merging and no extensions are available.
I think some more new products also come with this idea.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Great human units formation ad

The awesome stuff from human units formation

Friday, March 14, 2008

Doodle4Google, What If

Now you can make google homepage logo.Doodle4Google is the competition for making google homepage logo and is open for kindergarten to grade 12 students(including home schoolers) in U.S. It came up with a caption " What IF", where you can see it on my t-shirt usually which i wear.You can make your name as google logo.This video shows introduction to doodle4google by Dennis Hwang, google's logo maker.

Important Dates:
before March28th 2008. And the last date to submit your school entries is April12th 2008.See more at

A New era in search,hope so

Searchme is a visual search engine.This video is introduction to searchme.When will google implement or buy this.May be soon.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hulu is now Public

Hulu, is an online video on-demad service.It is an joint venture of News corp and NBC universal. It is coming as public from beta now
as by will be interesting to check the new features
in hulu.Just wait for few hours.But there is an openhulu for open Tv shows but its not from hulu .
Find more about hulu at wikipedia.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Say NO more long URLs!!

Today everything is becoming small and powerful like my digicam which i used to catch my friends and fun things,cellphone and even my laptop.Every time we are looking forward to carry small and powerful things.But coming to internet,when we used to share link,the website urls going longer than ever.Don't worry,here also we can bring "small and powerful" using these websites.

It is very simple and unique way.No registration,No ads,and the performance is excellent.If your intention is to just having small links then it is the only one which has that results.But it lacks in path forwarding,no privacy.To get ultra small links just qurl It!.

This also with good flavors. No registration is required now but it is coming soon,No spam
and web safe features are there.It also has disc like No privacy and No toolbar support. check more at canurl.

It has more and nice features like privacy supported ( keyword feature),URLs can be large upto 5000 characters,and permanent redirecting etc.But while i was checking this site, i didnot get results for some links(even they are exist) where others in this category worked fine.So look into memurl if you look for more features.
Apart from above,the most famous and powerful websites are

This is one of powerful website including security,toolbar support,multi snip(snip multi urls at once),path forwarding,tracking and alot.Check more at snipurl

It is another cool website.It has a unique feature that you can have the snipped url in other formats like css,java,php,sql,ruby,python,xml,vb,javascript,csharp and html.And also it is featured with some good services.So look for textsnip.

And most user wanted and powerful sites are,, and other sites which can do the job are

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Do you like facebook or not ,sing along

"This what happening with facebook and what we feel " said by most of facebook users.
Do you wanna see it like a song then watch this video

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